Frogs, Chrysalises and Exciting Explorations!

We're going on a frog hunt!

We have had so much fun investigating frogs over the last few weeks! 
The children have been busy discovering many new words and their meanings and have learnt a great new song about Metamorphosis! Check out some or our explorations below!

Did you know that frogs live on every continent except Antarctica?
We do! Ask me why frogs don't live there and I will tell you.

Exploring the life cycle of a frog...

Check out our gorgeous frog life cycle play dough creations!

A Special Delivery

Earlier in the week, Mrs Hollis, a wonderful teacher in the classroom next door, delivered a very special gift to us!


...and later in the week also surprised us with 2 more chrysalises and some caterpillars too!

We were so excited about our new gifts that we started some very important observations straight away.

One of our caterpillars has already formed its chrysalis and is beginning to change. We have learnt that this is called metamorphosis!


A Frog's Habitat

What is a habitat? A habitat is the place where an animal lives of course! 
With this question in mind, the pre-primary children decided we needed to go on a frog hunt to see if our school was the right habitat for a frog...
We looked in old tyres with puddles of water inside... but no frogs there.
We looked in tree trunks... 

Behind rocks...
 Along the bush paths and tracks. But no frogs there either!...

 We found lots of other interesting things though!

Although we had a wonderful morning out on our frog hunt, we did not hear or see any frogs. We went back to class and shared our ideas about why we didn't have any frogs at school and the children thought that maybe it was because there was no quiet place with water for a frog to lay their eggs... How clever are these amazing kids!?!

We now plan to design and build a frog pond in the early childhood area, in the hope of attracting frogs to our school! 
How exciting! 

Our Surprises Kept on Coming!

One of the Kindy children in Room 13, heard we were doing an investigation on frogs and had found one swimming in his swimming pool that Sunday. He brought it in for us to observe for the day, which was a very exciting event for us! We had to remember to be very quiet as the classroom was not the best habitat for a frog but his aquarium had some water, bark, grass and a rock to hide under to keep him comfortable for the day.

Can you see him on the side of the aquarium?
He's now back home in his own habitat... hopefully not taking a swim in their pool ! :)

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