Letters, Words & Rhyme Time

Lately we have been learning lots about letters and words. We know that...
"Letters make up the alphabet. Letters can be joined together to make words."
"Words are groups of letters that make sense."
We know that our names are words and we have been investigating how many letters are in our name. We discovered that some of us have long names and some of us have short names. After many games and graphing activities, we found that most children in the class had 6 letters in their name. The shortest name had 3 letters and the longest had 8!
Here we are reading our friends' names and matching them to their photo.

As a class we counted how many letters were in our name and matched it to the correct numeral.

We also explored and counted the letters in our friends' names.


First term has seen us working really hard on rhyming words and if you ask us "What is a rhyming word?" we'll tell you... 
"Rhyming words are words that sound nearly the same!"
Here we are matching hearts to find rhyming pairs...


We are a clever bunch!


Holidays are nearly upon us but please come back soon to see what we got up to for Harmony Day!