Getting to Know You!

A busy, busy bunch...

Can you believe it's almost the end of week 4 already!? I know I can't!! 
The pre-primary children have been busy engaging in their new environment in numerous ways and I believe we all know each other a little better now and are happy coming to school :)  The lovely hellos and smiles Mrs Clarkson and I get on arrival each morning are just beautiful and tell us, Room 15 must be a great place to be! 

We have been playing games, discovering new boundaries, learning the rules of our classroom, practising patience and turn taking, building stamina for daily tasks and learning how to take risks and try new things. A lot to take in for littlies who are just 4 and 5... don't you think?!

Take a peek at us enjoying our new pre-primary classroom!

Playdough Fun


 Classroom Explorations




Out and About!


So that's just a little sneak peak at our first few weeks of pre-primary!
Happy Happy Days!


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